Children's Dental medicine
Not only permanent but also temporary (milk) teeth are affected by caries and its complications. Healthy temporary teeth are necessary not only for normal nutrition but also for right eruption of the permanent teeth. Dental diseases can affect the normal development of the child.
Fillings by temporary and permanent teeth
After the temporary teeth are replaced by the permanent, parents should keep an eye on their child’s hygiene. I sincerely recommend to parents not to rely on that replacement. It is unforgivable if to let children’s oral hygiene get neglected.
Neglecting and ignoring a problem can lead to a more complicated, painful and expensive treatment. Even by the slightest change of the color of the permanent teeth’s enamel, a visit by the dentist is recommended.
Sealants for children’s permanent molars
The permanent molars which have just erupted have a very specific surface. They have very specific deep fissures, pits, cracks and unevenness. This surface is the reason why food and plaque easily retain on it, when children don’t brush their teeth properly. These are the most common places to develop caries.
Sealants are plastic materials (composite), which can prevent caries, if they are placed properly. Sealants make the surface of the teeth more even, so less plaque can retain on it and children can brush their teeth easier. Dental sealants can be placed as soon as the first permanent molars erupt at the age of 6.
When do kids get their first temporary milk teeth?
Milk teeth erupt in the following order: Incisor – 8 – 13 months Canines – 19-20 month First molars – 16 months
How can parents help by the prevention of caries?
The most important thing that parents should do is NEVER to use the visit by the dentist as a way to frighten their children. Parents should regular bring their kids as soon as the temporary (milk) teeth come up. Children will be advised how to brush their teeth and how to keep a proper hygiene of the oral cavity.
Can sealants be placed by the children’s erupting teeth?
Mushrooming teeth
Mushrooming teeth have strong relief (bumps, dents, cracks, bumps). This topography contributes to retention of food on these teeth and this leads to formation of caries. At the age of 6-7 years, children have not yet developed habits of right and good teeth cleaning. This is the reason why the so-called sealants are put.
Sealants are photopolymer children fillings that cover the deepest part of the tooth. For placing them dental equipment is not necessary to be used. Sealants are placed where the tooth break out and it is possible the space to be dry.
When should a child go to the dentist for the first time?
My personal opinion is that a child should go to the dentist for the first time at the age of 3, after the eruption of the temporary (milk) teeth.
The child should get used to the atmosphere and the doctor at an early stage. That’s how the fear of the dentist can be handled and there will be no physical trauma by a future visit at the dental praxis.
What should we look after when kids brush their teeth?
Parents wish that their children manage to brush their teeth regulary – in the morning and in the evening. My advice is always to look after them by this activity, especially the brushing in the evening, before kids go to bed.
Day time
Apart from using the tooth brush and paste, the other way of cleaning the teeth is carried out by the saliva. During the day, when the child is active, the saliva washes away the food rest.
During the night, the child is calmed and relaxed. Its activity is very low and therefore the saliva can not wash away properly the food rest. That’s the period when the caries of the teeth mainly occurs.
Night time
The most efficient way of brushing the teeth is done by circle movement of the toothbrush, starting from the gingiva and going to the top of the teeth.