Teeth Extraction
Oral and maxillofacial surgery are dental specialties. They deal with the diagnosis and surgical treatment of diseases, injuries and birth defects of the mouth, jaws, face and adjacent structures. This includes removal of heavily damaged or broken teeth, dental implant and removal of cysts.
What should I do if I have some discomfort after a tooth extraction?
For your convenience I am there for you and I will answer any question you have.
If I don’t have any pain should I go to a dental examination ?
Yes, the patient should go to a dental exam just to make sure that the recovery after the procedure is going according to plan.
How long does it take for a tooth to be extracted?
How long does a tooth extraction take?
A tooth extraction usually can last 30 minutes, depending on the condition of the oral cavity. However, sometimes there are some complications that delay the tooth extraction. In some cases it can last up to 2-3 hours.
On what does it depend how long a tooth extraction takes?
Everything is strongly individual. First, it depends on what kind of tooth is supposed to be extracted, where is it situated, is it severe damaged. The health condition of the patient is also very important. If there is any disease that can make the extraction more complicated than usual. And of course there is the fear factor of the patient.
What should and shouldn’t we do after a tooth extraction?
The patients should follow a special diet after a tooth extraction. After the procedure is done, the patient should not eat or drink anything in the next 2 hours and should not smoke, too. The patient should also avoid eating hot food and drinking hot liquids for the rest of the day.
Passionate smokers should try to restrain themselves from smoking for the rest of the day or at least try to postpone this habit as long as possible.
Patients should not touch the extraction wound by hand in order to avoid a contamination. It is quite normal that the patient could feel sensitivity by the extraction wound. The patient should try to avoid eating food at this side of the oral cavity. People using dentures should not put them in their mouth for a while.
Should we be concerned about the eruption of the wisedom teeth?
Wisedom teeth are the last permanent teeth which erupt in the oral cavity. That happens mostly in the period between the 17-25 year. It can happen in some cases even after that period.
Very often that is a slow process. Tooth can erupt partially in the gingiva. It can keep this position for a very long period. The eruption can cause inflammation, swelling and pain. In such cases, the wisedom tooth has placed itself in a bad position in the teeth raw. This causes pain and severe problems. Unfortunately, the right solution of the problem will be an extraction.