Tartar cleaning
What is dental tartar?
The most common mistake that people make is to underestimate the dental tartar. People don’t pay attention to the tartar and its consequences. Dental tartar is responsible for a lot of diseases by the teeth and gums.
Dental tartar causes inflammation and bleeding of the teeth and the gums. If people do not take any precautions, it will lead to tooth recession, sensitivity and last but not least – teeth mobility.
Why do you have dental tartar?
The amount of tartar in your mouth shows how often you visit your dentist. If you don’t visit your doctor very often and you don’t keep a good oral hygiene, do not get suprised, if you suffer dental tartar.
Unfortunately, soon or later you will have dental plaque and tartar under and over the gingiva. They are responsible for many diseases of the teeth and the gums. Tartar is a dental plaque that has gotten hard after a period of time.
Does dental tartar cleaning hurt?
Dental cleaning is a painless procedure. Some patients may feel some sensitivity caused by the inflammation of the gums. In that case, dentists use local anesthesia before they carry out removing the tartar.
Dental cleaning is done by an ultrasonic device combined with a technology called Air-Flow. This technology combines water, air and a special powder. And finally, it’s time for the teeth polishing. It’s done with a special brush and paste.
What should you know about the procedure removing of tartar?
The procedure includes not only the removing of tartar, but it also includes removing of dental plaque and colored strips on the surface of the teeth. Dentists do it mechanically and by hand.
What is Air Flow technology?
The Air Flow device archives in most cases the best results. The device is used for polishing teeth with a special powder. Dentists recommend removing tartar to be done twice a year. In some cases, it could be done more often if tartar occurs more frequently.
Why should tartar (calculus) be removed?
Does Tartar cause bleeding of the gingiva?
Yes, it does. Tartar (calculus) can cause infection and inflammation of the gingiva, which turns red and gets swollen. Tartar is the main reason for the bleeding of the gingiva.
The longer it covers the teeth surface, the bigger its amount gets. More over, it will cause tissue and bone recession. The roots of the teeth will be visible.
Can teeth tartar cause senisitivity?
Yes it can. It will cause a sensitivity. The so called recession will continue and it could even increase. Teeth will become mobile (will become wobbly). Next, the chewing function will be damaged.
Eventually, the patient could loose the affected teeth. It is recommended that you have a dental cleaning in order to avoid such complications.
How long does the tartar cleaning procedure take?
A dental cleaning takes between 30 and 60 minutes. It depends on what quantity of tartar that a patient has in the mouth. A dental cleaning also depends on how often you do it.
It is recommended to have a dental cleaning once a year, some patients need it twice a year. And it also depends on the quality of the mouth hygiene of the patient.
Is the dental cleaning harmful for the teeth?
NO, the dental cleaning is not harmful for the teeth. It is not dangerous for the teeth, it can not hurt the them. Dental cleaning does not mean drilling the tooth surface.